Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Time Has Come

the walrus said, to talking of many things. Of shoes, of ships, of sealing wax, of cabbages and kings! Of why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings.

My time in this Gemini city is running out. The things that keep me here have been peeling away, one by one, and the full moon hollers in at my windows once again, calling me for movement. And move I shall.

Do you see what I see?

Scattered Showers
Scattered Showers
Chance Rain Shower
Chance Rain Shower
Chance Rain Shower
Chance Rain Shower
Scattered Showers
Scattered Showers
Scattered Showers
Scattered Showers
Chance of Rain
Chance of Rain

Tis a lovely rainy week in Seattle. If you know me very well, you'll know this is basically the best forecast I can imagine second only to thunderstorms at 80 degrees. Since I've only ever felt those in Louisiana, I know I must trade in thunder and heat for wind and cold, but I don't have to trade in the rain.

The thought of leaving my mercurial San Francisco has terrified me to the core. Not because I am still in love with it, but because I was afraid that leaving it meant giving up.

Anyone who has ever drained a relationship/location/situation down to the last bloody dregs may be familiar with this feeling.

I am no longer terrified. Even if I were a science-based creature- to be in Seattle means being within an hour of my love, the King of All Scorpios. There is circus and rain. And my brother by some kind of blood other than blood, His Insufferable Lordship, meeting me there with Lady A for the same intensive purpose of intention.

After a while it ends up being about the math, if it weren't about anything else.

**note for my sisters** Not long ago I was walking down 14th street on an obscure little corner with Shaun (TKoaS) and he stopped me and pointed down. Carved into the sidewalk:
"The Goddess Lives. Do not forget it." Love you.


  1. um. i am currently reading lewis carroll's complete collection... and you weirded me out BEYOND BELIEF by lining things up with me. okay, now i'm going back to read the rest of your entry...

  2. Seattle, eh? Hrmmm...I shall have to investigate this city further.

    I think moving would be very, very good for me at some point, but there are so many strings that would need cutting and re-tying that I sometimes doubt it's possible.

  3. I needed to hear that sidewalk message. Love you too, and best of luck on your next adventure!

  4. It give me such a sense of calm to think of you in a rain, lush place. So much nicer!

    Even my word verification thinks so: dessight
