Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tower Days and Incoming Contortionists

As my days in the tower are numbered (there are seven business days left, not counting today) all the parts of my life that got coaxed to sleep (by ether) are waking up one by one...and the beast is hungry.

Luckily, life is a feast-- and one that you should never stop eating regardless of the work that you devote your life to. The things I have learned in the past six months I don't expect I'll forget. For one, a sense of compassion and understanding for people who do work onsite 40, 60, and 70 hour weeks. And when they have spouses and children, that compassion becomes awe.

And so, as a most excellent breakfast, the Ineffable Beloved herself is coming up to our shrouded city! One of my favorite people in the whole world, not to mention a visionary performer, the fabulous Kristina Nekyia.

And if you're in Seattle, you lucky dogs, you too can benefit from her years of carefully combing through tears and techniques to bring you her own ecelectic flavor of flexibility training.

What: Yes, a flexibility workshop at our own Emerald City Trapeze Arts!
When: Sunday May 1st; 3:30-5:30pm
How much: $45.00

For those taking my hoopery workshop, while this class will tucker you out, it will also bendy you up just in time for hoop at 6! Deeeeelicious!

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